KATHMANDU, June 17:  The reserve fund of the federal government stood at a negative of Rs 204 billion as of mid-June this year, mainly due to the excessive government expenditure compared to the low receipts that the government generated during the period.

KATHMANDU, May 22: The federal government has finally released the property details of the prime minister and ministers following a decision made during last week’s cabinet meeting. According to the details released on Tuesday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Physical Infrastructure Raghubir Mahaseth is the richest among the Council of Ministers while Foreign Affairs Minister Narayankaji Shrestha is the poorest.

KATHMANDU, March 29: The federal government has approved about Rs 300 billion for the budgets of the provincial and local governments for the next fiscal year 2024/25.

PARBAT, March 12: Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Padam Giri, has said the federal government should not make any delay in formulating laws required for the functioning of the three tiers of government.

KATHMANDU, March 4: Various local governments have asked the federal government to change the boundaries of 92 wards. After completing such a process, local officials sent a proposal to the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration for decision.

KATHMANDU, Nov 28: The home ministers of all the seven provinces are going to meet Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal today in Kathmandu with the aim of resolving the demand of police force adjustment between the provinces and the federal government.

Saving the Nation in Peril

November 7, 2023 08:30 am

Founded on transcendental heritages and religious and spiritual faiths of origin as a Hindu State, Nepal is an independent and indivisible sovereign state never been colonized. Diversities of hill topography, multiethnicity, multilingualism, multiculturalism and multi-religious values and system ensembled the idea of unity in diversity fostering a sense of shared purpose, identity, nationhood, unity, valor and patriotism.

WASHINGTON, Oct 1: The threat of a federal government shutdown suddenly lifted late Saturday as President Joe Biden signed a temporary funding bill to keep agencies open with little time to spare after Congress rushed to approve the bipartisan deal.

KATHMANDU, Aug 29: At a time when the country is in an extreme economic crisis, the construction of seven lavish buildings by the federal government in Kathmandu as liaison offices for province chiefs and Chief Ministers (CMs) has drawn criticisms from experts. They say spending on such buildings is unnecessary and unproductive.

KATHMANDU, Aug 10: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has signed a work performance agreement with the ministers of the federal government. Now the government is also going to make a monthly report card of the ministers based on the work performance evaluation.

KATHMANDU, June 22: While the federal government is facing a massive shortfall in revenue collection and the sub-national governments are under pressure on their declining treasury balance, they have allocated a total of Rs 17.35 billion on unproductive expenses to be done by lawmakers.

KATHMANDU, June 12: The federal government’s accumulated loss has reached Rs 88.35 billion as of mid-May this year, which has put the government under pressure to depend more on borrowing for its day-to-day operations.

BIRENDRANAGAR, April 21: Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Purna Bahadur Khadka has said that the federal government will get full shape after the by-election on April 23.

JANAKPURDHAM, August 15: Madhesh Chief Minister (CM) Lal Babu Raut and the ministers in his Cabinet staged a sit-in in front of the office of the Province Chief on Sunday, demanding immediate adjustment of the police at the provincial government.

JANAKPURDHAM, August 14: The Madhesh provincial government has organized a sit-in protest against the federal government as their demand for police adjustment has not been met. Under the leadership of the Chief Minister of Madhesh Province, Lalbabu Raut, the ministers of the provincial government and the members of the provincial assembly staged a sit-in in front of the residence of the provincial chief.

KATHMANDU, June 21: People's representatives have complained that the populace in rural areas has been deprived of clean drinking water for the past five years as ‘large’ projects aimed at catering to larger populations fall under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

GANDAKI, April 20: Chief Minister of Gandaki Province Krishna Chandra Nepali Pokhrel has said restrictions imposed by the federal government on exercise of rights guaranteed by constitution resulted in the province's failure to deliver as per expectation of people.

KATHMANDU, March 26: As many as fifty-five local governments have defied the federal government's directive to evaluate good governance. The Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration had directed all the local governments to evaluate the achievements and actions taken by them during the last five years as the next local level election is nearing.

KATHMANDU, Feb 5; Transport workers and their associations have demanded that the federal government be given the right to adjust the fares of public transport.

KATHMANDU, Dec 31: The Financial Comptroller General Office (FCGO) has recommended to the government to set necessary laws to penalize the government officials who are found not assuming their accountability in utilizing the state funds and repeating the similar flaws in arrears year on year.

KATHMANDU, Nov 19: The arrear amounts of the federal government stood at Rs 25.26 billion in the last fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Jan 16: The government is planning to establish social development offices in all districts.

KAILALI, Sept 30: The process of infrastructural development in Sudur Paschim province has been hit hard as the Ministry of Infrastructure Development does not have even half the number of employees allocated for it. While the total quota for employees at the ministry is 55, it has just 22 employees.

KATHMANDU, Sept 23: The federal government has allocated a budget of Rs 22.5 million to execute the housing program and beyond focusing on disadvantaged families in Birtamod and Arjundhara municipalities.

KATHMANDU, June 12: Experts in the field of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction have prompted the federal and local governments to cooperate with each other for durable and inclusive post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction in Nepal.

SURKHET, April 22: Karnali Province has managed to spend only 12 percent, or Rs 3.07 billion, of the allocated Rs 26.28 billion over the first nine months of Fiscal Year 2018/19.

On March 31, 2019, Bara and Parsa were hit by the country’s first wind storm killing 28 and injuring more than 700 people. Pheta rural municipality of Bara was worst hit by the wind storm. Since then, both the federal and the local government have pledged support to treat the injured and rebuild homes.

KATHMANDU, April 3: While rainstorm victims in Bara and Parsa districts are desperately awaiting relief, the federal government has not yet released aid from its fund meant for people facing natural disasters.

KATHMANDU, Feb 12: Eighth month of the current fiscal year is beginning on Wednesday. But the federal government is bringing projects, which were earlier handed over to provincial governments, under its ambit.

KATHMANDU, Jan 31: The government has not released its revenue collection figures for the last two weeks citing a formula error on sharing revenue among local levels, provinces and federal government. It is an excuse that tells very little about the delay in calculating revenue collection.

WASHINGTON, Jan 21: Thirty-one days into the partial government shutdown, Democrats and Republicans appeared no closer to ending the impasse than when it began, with President Donald Trump lashing out at his opponents after they dismissed a plan he’d billed as a compromise.

KATHMANDU, Jan 20: The government has missed the deadline for giving full shape to the Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission (NRFC) as promised during the first ever meeting of the Inter-Provinces Council (IPC) last month.

WASHINGTON, Jan 12: The partial government shutdown became the longest closure in U.S. history when the clock ticked past midnight into early Saturday as President Donald Trump and nervous Republicans scrambled to find a way out of the mess.

Federal govt must oversee INGOs

January 7, 2019 02:00 am

A high-level commission has recommended that the federal government oversee the activities of INGOs and all three tiers of government—federal, provincial and local—register and monitor NGOs operating in Nepal.

KATHMANDU, Jan 5: The federal and provincial governments are at loggerheads over some issues including the delay in arranging civil servants for the provincial governments and exercising constitutional rights since the country adopted the federal setup. Fresh disputes have emerged between the two governments after the federal government introduced a bill for internal security arrangement. The bill has mandated the Chief District Officer to coordinate among the federal, provincial and district administrations for maintaining peace and security.

WASHINGTON, Dec 23:  The federal government is expected to remain partially closed past Christmas Day in a protracted standoff over President Donald Trump’s demand for money to build a border wall with Mexico.

CMs complain about lack of laws

December 10, 2018 08:08 am

KATHMANDU, Dec 10: While complaining that the failure on the part of the federal government to introduce necessary federal legislations on time had greatly hampered their day to day work, chief ministers (CM) of various provincial governments have asked Prime Minister KP Oli to introduce the legislations including those related to federal civil servants and the federal police at the earliest.

KATHMANDU, Dec 9: Chief ministers of all seven provinces have arrived in Kathmandu to attend the first inter-provincial council meeting to be held on Sunday at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). The chief ministers have a bundle of complaints against the federal government.

KATHMANDU, Nov 12: The visit of Province 1 Chief Minister Sherdhan Rai to the United States of America following his medical checkup in Thailand has courted controversy back home after he was found not receiving due permission from the federal government for the visits.

JANAKPURDHAM, Oct 24: Expressing dissatisfaction over the Provincial 2 government's move to recruit a police force of its own, Nepal Communist Party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal has asked the chief minister of the province stop such 'overtaking'.

JANAKPURDHAM, Oct 7: Chief Minister of Province No. 2 Lalbabu Raut has said that budget implementation and operation of the public administration of the Province No. 2 was affected due to lack of cooperation from the federal government.

DANG, Sept 28: Shantinagar Rural Municipality of Dang formed 18 local level laws in line with the draft laws sent to the rural municipality by the federal government. The rural municipality even started taking action in line with the 18 laws that included laws on education.