Photos: Damodar Adhikari (Facebook)
Music has the power of healing and connecting people. And Damodar Adhikari is a musician who also teaches music. He has sung and composed songs like Jaga Jaga, Yahi Ho Mero Desh, Bandaina Nepal, Bideshma Basne Gari, Baba Rahesamma, Shirima Shiri, Ma Sano Balak and so on. It has been 15 years for him in the musical field. He believes in sharing his knowledge as much as he can and currently he is involved as the music teacher at Pathshala Nepal, Arunima Education Foundation, Himalayan Academy, Birat Boarding School, and Prime Kids.
Here, in an interview with My City, Adhikari talks about his musical journey:
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1. Did you always wanted to become a musician?
To be honest, as a child though music seemed pleasing to the ears, I didn't quite think about pursuing music as a career. The ultimate urge to become a musician arose when I came to Kathmandu for further studies after completion of SLC (now SEE). When I saw my friends who were into singing and enjoyed music, perhaps out of curiosity I started singing to get the feel then music became my passion.
2. How would you describe music?
I believe music is an expression of one's feelings. If music connects with people, it also becomes a way to express one's feelings that have been piled up within.
3. What are the challenges that you faced being a musician?
Well, talking about challenges, a musician too has to face different challenges. In my case, I did struggle in the technical part of music while composing. However, I survived due to my family’s support where the ups and downs went pretty smooth for me. Music for me is a source of joy and a medium to keep me connected with my family.
4. What is the turning point of your life?
Again, like challenges turning points keep coming into one's life. If I have to consider the turning point of my life, it has to be my desperation to come to Kathmandu for pursuing my further studies. Call it fortunate coincidence or destiny, I consider myself pretty lucky.
5. How do you connect music with life?
For me, life and music are one body containing two souls. I live for music. I believe a person who has a purpose in life is way more disciplined and has a fixed goal; leaving no leaves unturned to fulfill it. And as I need to keep learning to keep up to the music standards, I feel music is the purpose of my life.
6. What motto helps you lead your life every day?
The determination and passion I feel toward music, support from friends and family; and the compliments from my well wishers help me lead my life every day.