The smartphone I’m using
I’m using the Redmi Note 4 from the brand Xiaomi that is a Chinese electronic brand. I bought it about two years ago and it has been working wonderfully for me till date. I would go as far as to say I really hit the jackpot while buying this smartphone. I had terrible luck with phones before this, I used to stick with Samsung but they never lasted long enough in my possession. Though Samsung phones are pricey, there is always something or the other that goes wrong with it. Since, my current smartphone has been working well enough for me, I don’t plan on upgrading to anything else anytime soon.
The app I use the most
It’s definitely the music app on my phone. I’m a huge music fanatic and I find that I use my phone to listen to music more than I use it to make phone calls. There are actually 2000 songs on my phone right now. I use the default music app on my phone to listen to songs. I really like the songs from Coke Studio Pakistan and they are what I’m listening to most of the time. Besides that, I also like old Nepali songs and a few Hindi songs too. I have this weird thing where I don’t want to download songs that I like a lot. I feel like that makes those songs more special. For example, if you ever hear someone else playing it or hear it when you walk into a store, it makes you so much more excited. I usually only download songs that I like but am not in love with, or going crazy about.
Murari Guragain releases ‘Akela Dukela’

A social media app I use the most
Although I’m equally active on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, I would say Instagram is the one I use slightly more than the other two. I use it mainly to post my own pictures, connect with friends and catch up on what’s happening in everyone else’s life. And because it’s trending very prominently in Nepal, I experimented with for a while before quickly coming to the realization that that particular kind of app is not for me. It just didn’t appeal to me. I didn’t see the purpose of it, and I didn’t find it fun either. Instagram, on the other hand, is immensely enjoyable and I must confess I spend hours on it.
Some apps that I use when I’m bored
I usually play Candy Crush to kill time whenever I have nothing else to do, which in itself is a rare occurrence. I know the Candy Crush craze has fizzled out completely by now and no one even plays that game anymore but I’m still not over it. I also have a few games that cover digitized cricket and football and head there if I get bored of Candy Crush too. It mostly games that I turn to when I’m bored and want some mindless entertainment.
An app that I use to boost productivity
The notes app on my phone is honestly a lifesaver. I really like writing things down and although I like physically putting down my thoughts on a piece of paper using a pen, at times, that is not really possible. So I use the notes app to record every tiny idea or feelings that pop into my head.
I’m also into poetry and like creating my own poems. As I already have quite a few personal poems, I save those onto my notes too so that I can later on skim through them for inspiration or insight into my own thoughts and emotions. I also jot down things like phone numbers and important entries and annotations on it. It’s the app I use a lot and I find it helps me keep track of things quite easily.
What helps me stay ahead of the game
I’m also somebody who is into reading and read a lot of things from books to articles to anything that will expand my knowledge and understanding of the world. There are a lot of books I want to read but they are not available in Nepal. I download all of those from the internet. So I have a lot of books downloaded onto my phone in pdf, epub and docx formats. I learn from these ebooks and they run because of default apps already installed on my phone. Since I have my phone with me all the time, I also read a bit whenever I find little pockets of time. It helps me stay updated and know stuff, which I like.