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Theulekhola Hydropower Project begins test production

BAGLUNG, April 1: The Theulekhola Hydropower Project in Baglung has started test production.  The 1.5 megawatts project will be connected to the national grid within two weeks after power production starts, said the project chairperson and engineer Surya Prasad Adhikari.
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BAGLUNG, April 1: The Theulekhola Hydropower Project in Baglung has started test production. 

The 1.5 megawatts project will be connected to the national grid within two weeks after power production starts, said the project chairperson and engineer Surya Prasad Adhikari.

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"We are ready from every point for linking the project to the national grid," he said, adding that commercial production would begin after 15 days of the test production. 

The project cost is Rs 345 million, and the power generated from the project will make up around 40 per cent of electricity demand for the district, said Adhikari. Completion target was two years ago, but the earthquake of April, 2015, border blockade and other reasons delayed the project. RSS

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