Labors unloading the shacks of paddy husk from the truck at Chardobato, Madhyapur Thimi in Bhaktapur on Sunday. Photo: Nagarik/Republica
Worker paints idol of Bishwakarma at the bank of Bagmati river Kupondol, Lalitpur on Monday. Photo: Monika Malla
Traditional mask dancers perform on the first day of eight days long Indra Jatra festival at Hanumandhoka in Kathmandu on Tuesday. Photo: Dipesh Shrestha/Nagarik/Republica
Nepal Army practicing for an upcoming constitutional day at Tudikhel on Wednesday. Photo: Monika Malla
Customers buying goods at a reasonable price from a seasonal shop at Singhadurbar road. Photo: Monika Malla
Workers replacing old bricks to a cement block on the street of Bhaktapur, Shukuldhoka. Photo: Monika Malla