September 1: Matina Kapali of 50 years making Surke Thaili at her home Dattatraya in Bhaktapur on Sunday. She sells Rs 30 to 50 per pcs, depends on the quality of Surke Thaili. Photo: Dipesh Shrestha
September 2: Devotees in a queue to worship lord Shiva on the day of Teej festival at Pashupatinath temple on Monday. Photo: Monika Malla
September 3: Woman takes a bath at ‘Sali nadi’, Kathmandu on the day of ‘Rishi Panchami’ on Tuesday. It is believed ‘Teej’ fasting is concluded after taking bath ritually on this day. Photo: Monika Malla
September 4: Animal rights activists protest in Maitighar on Wednesday demanding punishment who killed dogs in Diktel a few days ago. Photo: Keshab Thoker
September 6: PM Oli arrives from Singapore in TIA Kathmandu on Friday. Oli, who had left for Singapore for his second round of health check-up on August 22, returned home via Thai Airways aircraft. Photo: Keshab Thoker
September 7: Labors cuts the bricks and resize for the constructed temple at Ranipokhari in Kathmandu on Saturday. Photo: Dipesh Shrestha