KATHMANDU, July 4: Over 450,000 students cleared the Secondary Education Examinations this year. What bothers many of them no end now is what to choose next.
Passing the SEE leaves students in a state of excitement and also brings a dilemma, notes Hembaraj Kandel, principal of Bishwa Niketan Secondary School at Tripureshwar, Kathmandu. “Students should choose their subjects as per their academic level and their interest. They will be far more likely to succeed if they do this than if they settle on something in which they have no self-confidence,” he suggests.
According to Kandel, today’s students are lucky in that they are not much pressured to go for science subjects even if they score high in their exams. “Earlier, it was a kind of trend for those with high scores to choose science. Parents would expect this. But students now have more choice,” he remarks.
Rishi Tiwari, secretary of Higher Institutions and Secondary Schools’ Association-Nepal (HISSAN), feels the same way. Management, Humanities and Law are attracting more students, he observes. “Unlike in the past, they are freer to choose their path ahead. While making these choices at the threshold of 11th grade, they should keep future careers in mind. More clarity about this makes the way ahead easier,” he said.
SEE results vibe!

According to Tiwari, if someone does not want to invest much money and time and still land a job quickly, it is better to go for technical education. “And there is CTEVT to help. Technical subjects mean handy skills that can land a job without too much hassle.”
CTEVT has been offering courses in pharmacy, fisheries, horticulture, construction, cooking, baking and so on. Tiwari, who has spent two decades in education, believes that technical education needs to be made more effective and a lot more students should have access to it.
Executive Chairperson of Kanjirowa National Secondary School Kapildev Regmi feels that students today are quite smart. He suggests that they choose subjects of their core interest.
Meanwhile, Rishi Tiwari, principal of Pinnacle Secondary School at Kalanki, Kathmandu, reminds students that they should think of international education boards if they are planning to go aboard after completing the higher secondary level. “There are boards like CBSE, international boards for A level and so on. If students want to go abroad for further studies after grade 12, better to go with such boards right now,” he said.
Take note of ICT (Information, Communication, Technology)
According to Kandel, it is important to be techno-savvy to fit into the new age and compete as global citizens. While choosing a college for +2, students should not ignore this. “The traditional kind of teaching and technology may not stand them in such good stead. In order to keep pace with the modern world, one has to do one’s +2 at the right school,” he said.
Tiwari says the same thing in a different way. He suggests that parents should not just run after the ‘best schools’ which charge huge fees. “Just because some schools are very expensive, they won’t necessarily be good. They should choose schools which offer quality education at moderate fees,” he said.
Meanwhile, Regmi stressed the need to learn about the school environment, the teachers, co-curricular courses and school infrastructure before joining a particular school. “One has to be careful about the environment, the record of the teachers and students, labs, etc,” he said.
Growing attraction toward CTEVT
With CTEVT also following the grading system in secondary level examinations, more students are being drawn toward it. According to Pushparaman Wagle, member secretary at CTEVT, the grading system has opened the door to all after SEE. “Students with a D or E grade can also easily enroll for CTEVT courses,” said Wagle. “They can join CTEVT on the basis of their GPA.”
As per the new provisions, a student who wants to pursue for instance a three-year diploma course in Health under technical education, he or she should have at least a 2.0 GPA or grade C. Similarly, students should have the same grade in English, Science and Mathematics.