Mending Soles
Souls of my city: Demanding a work space

“What do you expect from life? Should it be food to feed you while you’re hungry, home to stay, clothes to wear and work to do? I am happy with what I have. I have been mending shoes since 1994. I married off my three younger sisters with the money I earned from mending shoes,” remembers Kameshwor Ram. Kameshwor is better known as Mithun Dai because of his sun sign – Gemini. He is a 42-year-old cobbler from Saptari and currently resides in Kalikasthan. He recalls playing marbles with his friends instead of studying during his hay days. He has knowledge of farming, family, mending shoes and making friends. “As a family head, eldest son and father of three children I have the responsibility of working to support them,” added Mithun Dai.