International Institute of fashion Technology (IIFT) Nepal organized a fashion event titled ‘Dress to Impress’ at the premises of Amrapali Banquet on Tuesday. More than 71 students from the institution participated in the competition. They were adorned in designer’s dresses like fitted gown and Lehenga. The event was directed by famous choreographer Bipana Thapa.The designs of students were evaluated by glamour choreographer Raj Bhai Suwal, hair stylist Neel David Katuwal, designer Bishwo Gautam and actress Bishnu Chemjong. The two hour long event came to an end after declaring Sony Shrestha as the winner of the show. Shrestha flaunted a black flow gown. Similarly, Sweta Shakya and Saaraha Baniya were the first and second runner-ups respectively. The winner, first and second runner-ups bagged cash prize of Rs 15,000, 10,000 and 8,000 respectively.
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