KATHMANDU, Nov 29: A writ petition has been filed at the Supreme Court (SC) demanding the annulment of the decision not to pursue a case against former minister of Koshi Province, Lila Ballabh Adhikari.
Senior lawyer Dinesh Tripathi has lodged the petition at the SC, demanding the annulment of the decision not to pursue the case and calling for further investigation and the filing of charges against Lila Ballabh Adhikari.
Adhikari appointed as vice chairman of Koshi Province Planning...

He argues that the decision not to pursue the case is malicious and should be immediately annulled.
Former Minister Adhikari flew to Japan on October 27 to participate in an event organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan and the Arts Council Tokyo. After the District Government Attorney's Office in Kathmandu decided not to pursue the case against him, he was released from custody on November 25.
Along with him, Janak Rai, 41, from Kepilaslagadhi Rural Municipality-4 in Khotang, Dawa Sherpa, 37, from Aiselukharka Rural Municipality-2 in Khotang, and Kanchan Devkota, 21, from Kalika Rural Municipality-5 in Rasuwa were detained at the Narita Airport immigration.
Later, all four, including minister Adhikari, were held and deported by Japanese immigration. After the deportation, the Department of Immigration handed over three of them to the Kathmandu Valley Crime Investigation Office for further investigation.