KHOTANG, Jan 11: A month after the successful completion of the parliamentary and provincial elections, the promotional tools and materials used in the election campaigns are yet to be removed from public places in Khotang
Political parties had hung their banners, posters and flags at crossroads, shops, temples, schools, electric poles and various other places as to promote their parties during the elections. However, they are not taking any efforts to remove them. Though Nepali Congress (NC) removed the election materials some time ago, the left alliance, Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) and Federal Socialist Forum Nepal (FSFN) are yet to remove their materials.
Promotional materials used by parties during elections becoming...

With the objective of wooing the voters, parties had put a lot of efforts in the promotional campaigns during elections. But not all of their efforts paid off. Pamphlets, posters and banners scattered all over the roads and streets have damaged the beauty of the surrounding areas. Election Commission (EC) had urged all parties to remove the election materials after the elections but most of the parties are still neglecting the ECs order.
The left alliance has removed the promotional materials from Bhabangaira, Trivenichowk and Hatdanda area of Diktel but it is yet to clean other places. Besides that, FSFN and RPP have also not paid much attention in removing the promotional materials from public places despite continuous request from the locals.
"As per the election code of conduct, no party is allowed to use promotional materials in election but to no avail," said District Election Officer Dinesh Khatri, adding, "I don't know how long will they keep such materials in public places."
There are some rural municipalities where the promotional materials used by parties during local elections have also not been removed. During a cleanliness program conducted by Rupakot Majhuwagadhi Municipality from December 20 to December 26, leaders and representatives of various parties had assured to remove the promotional materials within three days but they have still not kept their words