Planting is mostly done for feeding, but one of its purpose is also to maintain the environmental cycle. Nepal is rich in forest as well as other natural resources. However, growing urbanization and development works have posed a hazard to these natural resources. A luxurious life in any city is the result of deforestation somewhere. So, tree planting should be maintained as culture in a country like ours to save our natural resources, which are our identity.
Keeping these important matters into consideration and to aware the local people, our school Angel’s Heart Secondary School conducted a planting program through the direct involvement of teachers as well as students of Grades VIII, IX and X in Phutung near Sangle Khola, Kathmandu.
The program was conducted on Wednesday as a part of extracurricular activities to make students aware about the importance of environment and to develop students’ skills and attitude toward environmental protection.
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As students of Grade X, we were given the sole responsibility to lead our juniors and suggest them some ideas about planting. Along with us, our teachers also suggest suitable ideas for planting. We had gathered in a field and I was much excited about the project because it was my first hands-on experience in planting.
All of us were divided in groups of three and given a plant each for planting. Our subject teachers assisted us for better and effective planting. I planted two trees along with my two friends. We meticulously followed our teachers’ instructions and suggestions. I was elated to have planted my first tree sapling. I was jumping with joy.
As soon as I planted my first tree, I suddenly felt more responsible. That was the moment I will never forget in my life. Each and every individual worked hard for the project and I appreciate their dedication. Every one of us, including our teachers, felt fully inspired as the project came to an end.
This activity has inspired me to do something for the nature and environment. I feel blessed to have gotten an opportunity of participating in such joyful activity. Finally, the day ended with a bright smile on my face and content in my heart.
Binod is studing in Grade X at Angels’ Heart H S School.