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Philanthropy amidst earthquake mayhem

By No Author
The traumatic experience of April 25-earthquake will never be obliterated from our memory. The deadly earthquake with 7.6 on the Richter scale that struck at 11:56 am with its epicenter in Barpak, Gorkha snatched away our near and dear ones, leaving tens of thousands injured. The disaster has left many parents childless and children without parents.

After this tragic episode we lent our neighbors a helping hand and people our blood. Yet, amidst the crowd stood few individuals who helped us back to restoration.

Our abodes were completely destroyed as soon as the tremor shook the ground. Overcast by the shadow of fear and anxiety, everyone gathered at a nearby chowk. One of the tough and sturdy looking buildings in our vicinity was completely destroyed and the sight of it could break anyone into tears.

The misery started right from the next day when everyone began to famish. Small children could be seen around the tents holding the collars of their parents, asking for food. People were at their wits' end and hardly anyone could dare enter the house and on top of that the sight of the shattered house nearby gave everyone goose-bumps.

On the third day came the very delighting news. Gangadhar Singh (Singh Sahib,for with this name he is known in the society) had come up with a package of free food. Belonging to the Sikh, he is entrepreneur by profession. This short bearded man with a turban is a member of the Nanak Foundation who set up a food camp on the premises of a nearby school. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.Some helped him with arranging utensils while some lent him a helping hand in cooking. Soon, there was a long queue in front of his tent. Though the hunger was insatiable, we were content. Subsequently, everyone donated whatever they could for the Nanak Foundation. Singh Sahib's generosity and his lead role in disaster management made him an epitome of good social worker.

In those rough circumstances Gangadhar played a great role for the restoration through his philanthropic deed. Inspired by this generosity, one should always ponder upon: 'If not us then who? If not now then when?'

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