This age of social media is called the “Golden Age of Content.” Social media is full of freely available and accessible resources. But many people are overwhelmed by a large amount of content in social media like YouTube and Facebook. And people are stuck like flies in spider-web formed by millions of online information. So we need to use social media like YouTube and Facebook wisely to penetrate this spider-web.
Many people usually log into Facebook or YouTube without any purpose in mind and let Home-page manipulate them. Then after wandering in unnecessary things for a significant amount of time, they regret of using YouTube and Facebook. Many people also have the habit of passing fresh energy in less critical tasks and rushing at the end to complete the important ones. But this problem can be solved easily by clearly stating the purpose before visiting these YouTube and Facebook. It will focus on our task. And prioritizing that task and completing it at the start with fresh energy will only make the result better.
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And selective subscription of proper YouTube channel and the Facebook group is also essential to remove the piles of annoying notifications. After opening YouTube or Facebook, many of us get lost in the limbo of notification, forgetting our real purpose. Only after the significant time is passed, or we have logged out, we remember the purpose behind opening it and rush to recover the time which was wasted on distracting notifications. So to remove unnecessary notifications, we should timely visit our subscription list to check whether they are still relevant today or not. While editing the subscription list, many people have found that most of their subscriptions were done years ago, and they are completely irrelevant today. Many people might have even found a better YouTube channel and a Facebook group than the out-dated options.
By adopting these two simple things, viz. clearly defining the purpose before logging into Facebook and YouTube and selectively subscribing to the forums, you can easily penetrate the spider web of information like the ray of light. And it will eventually help you to enjoy the informational bonanza of this “Golden Age of Content.”