KATHMANDU, March 4: The Lalitpur Metropolitan City has declared the Patan Durbar Square area, Jawlakhel, and Pulchowk areas of the metropolis as no-smoking zones. Organizing a program at Patan Durbar Square on Friday, the Lalitpur metropolis declared the three areas as non-smoking areas of the district.
Speaking at the program, Mayor Chiri Babu Maharjan of Lalitpur shared that the plan is being implemented almost two years after it was made due to the spread of COVID-19. He said that the district will urge people not to smoke in the three designated areas for a week after which anyone found smoking in these areas will be fined. He clarified that the revenue collected from those fines will be used for the treatment of cancer patients.
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Stating that the government has formulated various laws but is yet to implement them, Mayor Maharjan expressed his commitment to make the program a success without any negligence.