KATHMANDU, August 4: On the 12th day of his latest fast-unto-death, the condition of Dr Govinda KC, professor and senior orthopedic surgeon at the Institute of Medicine (IOM), is said to be critical and getting worse.
Dr KCs condition is deteriorating day by day, according to doctors involved in his treatment. “He has muscle cramps and is suffering from chest pain and fluctuating heart beats; he is getting weaker,” said the doctors. “He is being provided emergency services.and we need to be ready to move him into the ICU,” they added.
Meanwhile, the government has yet to come up with a concrete response, said Dr Abhisekh Singh, a member of the talks team representing Dr. KC. “The government has not called us for talks today,” he added.
Dr KC's talks team has stuck to the stance that all of the demands should be fulfilled immediately.
The government's talks team is consulting Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Gopal Man Shrestha, Health Minister Giriraj Mani Pokhrel, former health minister Gagan Thapa, members of the Mathema Commission and representatives of parliamentary committees to seek a solution. “We are into extensive discussions on a way to have the Medical Education Bill endorsed,” said Shanta Bahadur Shrestha, coordinator of the team and secretary at the Ministry of Education.
Dr YP Singh, Dr Ranjan Sapkota and Dr Abhisekh Singh were involved on behalf of Dr KC in the talks with the government panel, which includes as members Secretary at the Ministry of Health Dr Kiran Regmi and Secretary at the Office of Prime Minister and Council of Ministers Gopi Nath Mainali.
Dr KC began his 11th fast-unto-death from July 24, demanding that the government bring the Medical Education Act, slash the fees for postgraduate studies in medicine from Rs 3.1 million to Rs 2.2 million, appoint four assistant deans at IOM and the campus chief immediately and probe irregularities by TU officials and take action against them.
Dr KC's last fast-unto-death started on November 13 and ended three weeks later after another agreement was reached with the government. The 12-point agreement with government representatives was reached on December 4, 2016. However, his demands regarding medical education have not been satisfactorily addressed.
Dr KC on 12th fast-unto-death over Medical Education Act