KATHMANDU, Aug 4: Japan’s Tamura City and Athlete’s Society have decided to assist Nepal by providing training to the team ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics to be held in Japan.Three parties, the Nepal Olympic Committee (NOC), the Athlete’s Society of Tamura City, and Mayor of Tamura City have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the preparation of the 2020 Olympics by providing training to the team. President of the NOC Jeevan Ram Shrestha, Vice-Mayor of Tamura City Naoyuki Kawagoishi, and Secretary General of the Athlete’s City Soko Aoki signed on the agreement paper on Friday.
Tokyo Olympics concludes; 33rd edition to take place in Paris

Shrestha thanked Kawagoishi and Aoki for taking the initiative to help the Nepalese athletes on the road to the 2020 Olympics. He also gave his best wishes to them to host the Olympics successfully. A token of love between the NOC and the Japanese delegates was exchanged on the same occasion where Cultural Secretary of the Japanese Embassy Chisaco Nishitari, officer of the Tamura City Nobuhiro Ishii, marathon coach Yurika Nakamura and Toshimichi Kokhama were present.
NOC vice-presidents Purendra Bikram Lakhe and Jyoti Rana; executive cembers Nilendra Shrestha, Ashok Bajracharya, Deepak Harsha Bajracharya, and Ramesh Shrestha; and Chairman of Medical Commission Dr Saroj Shrestha were also present on the occasion.