World Health Organization along with its partner organizations like “World Federation for Mental Health”, "International Association for Suicide Prevention”, “United for Global Mental Health” have shown their concern on suicide prevention where every 40 seconds someone loses their life to suicide. Many organizations have been working actively engaging themselves into various awareness activities to prevent mental health related risks and consequences especially suicide prevention in collaboration with national and international organizations working in the field of mental health. But then is it all enough to deal with this issue? Why every second day suicidal news directly and indirectly related to mental health, depression and anxiety are taking place?
Every year in the month of September specially 10th September has been marked as “World Suicide Prevention Day” launching various campaigns like in 2019 “40 seconds of action”, that was an inclusive approach to aware people to deal with different forms of mental health, focusing on suicide prevention to lower the consequences and risk related to suicide and mental health was launched. Was it all enough to deal and cope with this illness? Its high time people need to speak up and come in front admitting they are suffering from this illness where there is no shame in admitting that. No one will judge you in doing so it will rather help you as an individual and many others to fight with this illness.
Mental Health and Human Rights

Mental health is an illness just like some other physical illness that can be cured and dealt with and whoever are feeling low, sad, depressed please come in front, talk to people, share things, be brave in doing so. The only difference between mental illness and physical illness is; in physical illness your physical immunity plays a huge role in fighting with the disease and in the case of mental illness your emotional immunity should be strong. So, before giving up on this beautiful life you have been blessed with try to see things that are around you, the people who love you and think if you have come this far then definitely there are great things ahead of you. Hold on and never give up, you will rise and shine again.