Technology has become an integral part of our lives. People are increasingly tech savvy and dependent on technology. With a slew of gadgets being launched almost every day, it is normal for the people to have desire to own trendy gadgets. Republica talked to few people about their views on technological advancements that Nepal would be experiencing in the next 10 years, and gadgets that would be accessible in the market.
Dolma Kumari Sherpa
Program coordinator
As I have been working in the IT sector, I think Nepal will be experiencing improvements in digital technology in next 10 years. Information related to any field can be accessed at our fingertips saving much of our time. Sectors like banking, tourism and education would come out of the conventional and lengthy trends inviting a decentralized concept in the market.
Ankit Kunwar
SEE graduate
Since Nepal does not have an impressive technological background, I doubt it would witness any significant difference in next 10 years. Since technologies presently used in foreign countries are not available in Nepal, I think 10 years down the line the Nepali market will be using the same technologies, which would by then have become obsolete in developed countries.
Tech Sovereignty: A Quest for Nepal

Dechen Hyolmo Lama
As the world is getting increasingly “smarter”, it is very likely that we step ahead with our smartphones. Every emerging technology has helped ease our everyday lives in many ways. In the next 10 years, I think Nepal will see massive improvements in the technological fields. We would certainly be surfing the Internet on iPhone 15 or pay our shopping bills through online payment systems. We could hopefully be able to unravel certain breakthroughs in the field of technology.
Suraj Shrestha
Master’s degree student
Though I am hardly familiar with the technological progress in the country, I think we will be able to make some improvements in the next 10 years. We would surely have progressive results in inventing multi-function gadgets. I assume gadgets with voice recognition features would become more developed than they are now.
Sudip Lamichhane
Master’s degree student
I don’t think Nepal has been facing a hard time keeping up with the technological traditions of the world, especially with the growing interest of international companies and investment projects increasing in the country. So 10 years from now, we would probably have satellite-monitored machines, and wired transmission of data would be unnecessary, as satellite signals would do all the work. Although some areas have already used this system, I believe it will be far more developed in the country.
Arun Karki
Albeit at a slow pace, Nepal has been witnessing growth in the field of technology. We will hopefully be able to make a significant contribution to the field of technology. As we still have several unexplored areas and those that need massive overhaul -- such as healthcare, culture, tourism, and industries -- we could hopefully invent necessary tech tolls to uplift these sectors.
Norsang Pakhrin
High school student
In the next 10 years, I believe Nepal will see some significant technological advancement. Remote and rural areas would hopefully be able to compete with urban areas through the use of ethnology, giving the country’s development plans a shot in the arm. When it comes to gadgets, I think we would have smarter gadgets with unlimited memory and improved RAM.