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Nepali embassy offers to mediate dispute

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KATHMANDU, Sept 23: The Nepali embassy in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday has offered to mediate the dispute between the Malaysian employer company and agitating workers.

Some 600 Nepali workers employed by Maxter Glove Manufacturing Company in Perak of Kelang Neru near Kuala Lumpur are on strike demanding better food and accommodation. [break]

The workers were recruited through Lucky Human Resource Solution, a Nepali manpower agency.

"We have offered to mediate the dispute by holding talks with both the sides. We will resolve the dispute at the earliest," Amal Kiran Dhakal, labor attaché at the embassy told Republica over phone.

A total of 600 Nepali and 500 Bangladeshi workers are employed in the company that exports surgical gloves.

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