Students of Laalabaala are scheduled to participate in Human Mosiac Festival, in Theater Brama, Poland. 24 countries are slated to participate in the festival. As per the press release, the Nepali participants will practice their act, Heroes Don’t Come, prior to their performance. The visit is being jointly organized by Kathmandu Pragya Kunja School and School Theater Nepal.
Trump cancelling Poland trip is a blow for ruling populists

The play was being staged regularly in Kunja Theater of Thapagaun, in Kathmandu, a few months back. To participate in the festival, actors Arbind Khadka, Tanka Chaulagain, Prekshya Karki, Sarthak Shrestha, Sijan Basnet, Deepsana Chaudhary, Kashyap Gyawali, Siwika Khadka, and Uditi Mandal have already landed in Poland.
The story of the play portrays the difference between an on-screen hero and a real hero. After staging the drama on Sunday, the team is scheduled to return to Nepal.