Picture Courtesy: @nikkisixxpixx
Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx is on the mend after undergoing surgery on his right shoulder. Articulating a count of five "cadaver parts" now in his body, the musician shared a few photos of his post-surgery state.
Scroll through the shots below. In them, Sixx is shown in the hospital, wearing the customary gown while having his vitals checked and recuperating in a bed. But these aren't the only images Sixx revealed of his surgery.
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"I officially have 5 cadaver parts in the body now," Sixx posted to Instagram Wednesday (May 1). "Finally got the right shoulder repaired. All the rotators were completely torn off the bone. I seem to think it's a good idea to break things on stage and there for [sic] I am always broken."
It's the latest in a litany of procedures for the musician, as hardcore Crue-heads are no doubt aware. Sixx went on to catalog his various operations: knee surgery, rotator cuff surgery, hip replacement and a hernia correction.
He continued, "Left knee fixed. Left rotator cuff and bicep fixed. Hip fixed. Double hernia fixed. And as I said before, right shoulder fixed. Excited to heal up. Health is everything. Ready to get onstage and break stuff."
Sixx also presented a more — WARNING — gruesome view of his most recent operation, one which Instagram covered with a warning for sensitive eyes. Directly below, see a gory, microscopic view of the bassist's shoulder surgery.
Motley Crue recently faced criticism for their portrayal in Netflix biopic The Dirt, leading one reviewer to urge viewers to skip it. Drummer Tommy Lee replied on Twitter, admonishing the writer, "Little girl you don't even know about this life."