UDAYAPUR, Dec 24: Udayapur police have confiscated a significant quantity of sugar and tobacco during an attempted illegal import. A team from Belsrot Police Station, situated in Katari Municipality-1 at the western border of the district, intercepted 40 sacks of sugar and eight sacks of tobacco destined for illegal import.
According to District Police, as reported by the Area Police Office in Katari, a pickup truck with license plate Province 2-01-001 Cha 0630 was seized due to the absence of official invoices for the sugar and Kabir brand tobacco. The interception occurred during a routine check of the vehicle traveling from Mirchaya to Katari in Siraha.
Upon inspection, the police discovered the goods lacked proper documentation, leading to the seizure of both the goods and the vehicle. The investigation into the matter is ongoing.
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The seized sugar amounts to 2,000 kg, and the tobacco weighs approximately 30 kg. Authorities suspect that these items may have been smuggled through customs. The District Police Office stated that both the confiscated material and the vehicle, impounded on the night of December 21, were sent to the Internal Revenue Office in Itahari on Thursday for further investigation and appropriate action.
In a separate development, the police successfully arrested three fugitives within a three-day period. On December 21, a team from the Area Police Office in Jaljale arrested Om Prasad Bhattarai from Triyuga Municipality-5 Sripur. Bhattarai had been convicted by the court in a theft case, with a sentence of three months imprisonment and a fine of Rs 3,000. Despite the court's verdict, he had managed to evade authorities until his recent arrest.
On the same day, Sinha Bahadur Rai and Lal Bahadur Sarki, both residents of Triyuga Municipality-13, Asari, were apprehended following their conviction in a fraud case by the district court.
In this fraud case, the court imposed a fine of Rs 510,284 on both individuals. Alongside the fine, Sinha Bahadur Rai received a two-year prison sentence, while Lal Bahadur Sarki was sentenced to one year in prison.
DSP Harinandan Chaudhary, Information Officer for the Police Office, confirmed that the three arrested individuals have been presented to the district court for serving the court sentences.