Fulpati, an assortment of Jamara and other items such as banana stalks, sugar cane tied with red cloth, to be offered to Goddess Durga, is carried by Brahmins from Gorkha to the Dashain Ghar in Hanumandhoka Palace in Kathmandu. [break]
While taking the Fulpati inside the Dashain Ghar, a military parade by Gurujuko Paltan, the army and police, accompanied by Panchebaja and band music, is held at Hanumandhoka, marking the beginning of Dashain festivities.
This day also marks the beginning of official week-long Dashain holidays in government offices and most of the private offices. Vijaya Dashami is the peak of the Dashain festivity, which falls on the tenth day.
President Dr Ram Baran Yadav is scheduled to attend a special military parade to be organized by Nepal Army at Tundikhel.
'Fulpati' sent to Hanumandhoka from Gorkha