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For Chester

People who loved Linkin Park might relate to this article. My family might wonder why I am so obsessed with Chester Bennington. But I am not a fan girl screaming over his handsomeness. Chester was someone whose voice I know by heart although I have never seen him in real life. His voice brought my emotions to surface and put them to rest.
By Anuska Joshi

People who loved Linkin Park might relate to this article. My family might wonder why I am so obsessed with Chester Bennington. But I am not a fan girl screaming over his handsomeness. Chester was someone whose voice I know by heart although I have never seen him in real life. His voice brought my emotions to surface and put them to rest.

Linkin Park’s music always connected to my deepest parts. As it was only the voice I always knew, the consolation is that it will never go away. But no new lyrics will be brought to life by that voice again.

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I could not believe it for an hour when I first heard that Chester had died. I pressed the earphones closer as I listened to him. I had tears rolling down my cheeks because it was hard to grasp that the voice no more had a physical presence. I and my best friend were 15 years old when we shrieked our voices watching their live concert through TV. We were determined that we would meet them in person someday. Our only fear was if they got too old before we met. Now I wish Chester had grown old.

I used to daydream that I was able to afford a backstage ticket to his concert and that I casually met him in the streets and thank him for their soulful music. I would imagine thanking him for enabling me to overcome my fears, insecurities, sadness and pain. It’s sad that his music helped millions, but could not help him.

I’m thankful for his existence, I’m thankful for his voice. It is harsh reality that I will only be able to talk to his posters like I always have. I wondered how the voice I loved would be in person. People said he would just be another celebrity. But somehow, that did not resonate with me. The only thing that resonated was his voice.

This is to Chester Bennington, you may be gone, but you’re legendary music will always remain in our hearts. I would love to show you my gratitude with grandeur, artistic paints and candor. But I can’t sing even if I wanted to and I cannot paint. I can only attempt to put in words the vastness of what I feel for you Chester. I might not be making much sense, but this is my tribute to my best.

Anuska is a graduate from Golden Gate International College.

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