When void shaping at 2 am floats your mind to darkest place,
Hold onto our memories and never let go
Felt you once, now it’s every day in misery or gloom
I feel it like heart beating inside you
While you break in muted room; I die a little too
Oxford honors Rahat Fateh Ali Khan with Doctor of Music degree

Sing to me just like, when the sun’s warmth didn’t feel so cold;
When the stars didn’t lose their glow
And wind never turned to storm;
I, however, was and still remain, a part of you,
Almost as if fused into one another’s flesh and blood
Flowing at a great current; devotion and dedication
Of your place that can’t ever be replaced
So, wake up my love, let’s battle with the night
Until morning washes all our anguish away
And return with glory
To a home where our hearts never detached
In a world where, I don’t exist without you.