Lazzana Goverdhan
Lazzana Goverdhan
Lazzana Goverdhan is a grade 12 student at Uniglobe Secondary School and College, Kamaladi, Kathmandu
My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Drowning in air
Drowning in air

Lying beside my ruins conceived through grave storm
Blowing away all safe spaces; making me cold
Dec 24, 2019

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Breaking away
Breaking away

Letting few tears escape every night
I find myself immensely weak and weary
Unable to fight my demons, I lay there, frozen
Like a lifeless mannequin
When I'm at my weakest point; I know
You want to be there
I want to speak.
Dec 08, 2019

My City, Gen-Next, Slammed
Blazing love
Blazing love

Bitter taste of love forced down my throat
It hurts like thorns; hurts like never before
For it didn’t only pass my lungs
Blocking, suffocating, and more
Nov 29, 2019

My City, Gen-Next, Article

When void shaping at 2 am floats your mind to darkest place,
Hold onto our memories and never let go
Nov 21, 2019

My City, Gen-Next, Article
Taste of freedom
Taste of freedom

Circling on and on looking for one way out,
Ending up tangled in the labyrinth made,
Nov 16, 2019

My City, Gen-Next, Article
Underrated Opportunities
Underrated Opportunities

“There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more”
Robert M. Hensel
Feb 10, 2019

My City, Gen-Next
Gift of New Year
Gift of New Year

Pretty lights hang by the wall illuminating entirety
Snowfalls in crystals, pine trees standing sturdy
Dec 31, 2018

My City
Gift of New Year
Gift of New Year

Pretty lights hang by the wall illuminating entirety
Snowfalls in crystals, pine trees standing sturdy
Been through joy and gloom itself came along
Giggled and sobbed this year
Dec 30, 2018

My City
Celebrating Tihar
Celebrating Tihar

The scent of marigolds, fill the air
And the lively music, fill the ears
Flickering lights, climb the walls
And sweets, perfectly shaped and sized
Nov 13, 2018

My City
Growing up
Growing up

She starts out with her feet tiny
And eyes wide
Taking huge Popsicle bites
Caught between innocent pinky promises
Nov 05, 2018