July 12: List of European Championship winners since the tournament began in 1960 after Italy beat England on penalties in Sunday's final at Wembley:
2021 London Italy England 1-1 aet
(Italy won 3-2 on penalties)
2016 Paris Portugal France 1-0
2012 Kiev Spain Italy 4-0
2008 Vienna Spain Germany 1-0
Factbox: Key winners at the 2019 Emmy awards

2004 Lisbon Greece Portugal 1-0
2000 Rotterdam France Italy 2-1*
(after golden goal extra time)
1996 London Germany Czech Republic 2-1*
(after golden goal extra time)
1992 Gothenburg Denmark Germany 2-0
1988 Munich Netherlands USSR 2-0
1984 Paris France Spain 2-0
1980 Rome West Germany Belgium 2-1
1976 Belgrade Czechoslovakia West Germany 2-2 aet
(Czechoslovakia won 5-3 on penalties)
1972 Brussels West Germany USSR 3-0
1968 Rome Italy Yugoslavia 2-0*
(replay at Stadio Olimpico after 1-1 aet)
1964 Madrid Spain USSR 2-1
1960 Paris USSR Yugoslavia 2-1 aet
The following nations have won the European Championship:
3-Germany (two as West Germany), Spain
2-France, Italy
1-Russia (as USSR), Czech Republic (as Czechoslovakia), Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, Portugal