KATHMANDU, Jan 11: Chairman of the CPN (Unified Socialist), Madhav Kumar Nepal, claimed that his party is making efforts to bring socialists, leftists and communists together by revitalizing the Socialist Front, an alternative power alliance which was established in 2023 to keep the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML under check and balance.
Inaugurating the eighth convention of the party’s Lalitpur District Committee on Saturday, Chairman Nepal also said that efforts are being made to press the state to address issues including nationality and people's livelihood in a proper manner.
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Chairman Nepal added that they will organise agitation to exert pressure on the government to address the issues of national interest and people's livelihood.
He said that the Socialist Front has not been able to fulfill its objectives due to the change in power equation and he is trying to make it active again.
Chairman Nepal said that the Socialist Front has been playing a very important role in the contemporary politics of Nepal and instructed the cadres to work hard to fulfill the front’s role in the coming days without getting discouraged.