KATHMANDU, Aug 26: Most of the road accidents have occurred due to drivers' carelessness in the Kathmandu Valley.
According to the information shared by the Metropolitan Traffic Police Division, in more than 90 percent road accidents, drivers' carelessness was blamed. In the last fiscal year (2074/75), the Division recorded a total of 6,381 accidents. Among these, drivers were culpable for 5,961 accidents.
Similarly, the factor behind 71 accidents was high speed and mechanical hitches caused 221, overtaking 29, pedestrians' recklessness three, and road condition 48.
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A total of 219 persons were injured seriously in the incident while 4,333 got minor injuries. Division Chief and SSP Basanta Kumar Pant said drivers were not abiding by traffic rule and driving carelessly resulting in the road accidents.
He, however, admitted, "Narrow roads were also responsible for it."
Among 1.1 million vehicles registered in the Bagmati Zone, nearly 800 thousand vehicles are operated in the Kathmandu Valley. Last year alone, 194 persons had lost lives in the accident.
Two wheelers are the most susceptible to the accident. Most of those killed in the accidents are males (147) whereas 47 victims were the women.
A total of 111 motorcycle and scooter riders died in the accident. RSS