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Confucius Institute welcomes spring 2012

By No Author
KATHMANDU, Feb 8: Confucius Institute welcomed February which marks the beginning of spring with glory at the Nepal Academy Hall on Monday, Feb 6.

The program which showcased different Chinese music, martial arts and interesting acrobats by a team were specially brought by the Institute from Hanwa, Hong Kong.[break]

The program started with traditional Chinese archery and was followed by singing by a team of seven singers. Dancers also presented a dance performed during the farming season in the Eastern China. The team also staged a musical drama through the medium of acrobatics.

“You must have heard about Romeo and Juliet; this music tells the story of Chinese Romeo and Juliet,” said the emcee of the program.

The audience’s happiness knew no bounds when a Chinese singer crooned 1974 AD’s hit song ‘Yo Maan Ta Mero Nepali ho’ and dancers danced to Nepathya’s ‘Taal Ko Pani’.

“Our region is known around the world for Buddha’s prophecies and Confucius’s wisdom and this cultural exchange will make this entire region more prosperous,” said Vice President Pramananda Jha.

The program was organized in the initiation of the Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Yang Houlan.

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