What you need to know about pain associated with cancer
Cancer is a chronic illness that is treatable if detected early. However, there are no specific signs or symptoms that could indicate cancer. In many cases, cancers are detected when they're already in an advanced stage, making it difficult for the doctors and medical professionals to treat.
Body pain can indicate cancer. However, they're not an early symptom, but signal that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body including the nerves and the organs. In such circumstances, your doctor may prescribe certain medications to alleviate the pain and would investigate the location of the pain.
However, how much pain you feel or experience depends on several factors including what type of cancer you have, how advanced it is and the area where it is located. Most people are aware of cancer pain that are acute and chronic, but there are types of cancer pain that you probably haven't heard about.
What causes cancer pain?
Cancer pain can be caused by different reasons.
Most cancer pain is caused when a tumor presses on the bones, nerves or other organs in the body.
Other times, cancer pain can be triggered by the advanced treatment one receives for the disease. For instance, certain chemotherapy medications can lead to numbness and tingling in the hands and the feet.
Similarly, radiotherapy can cause certain damage to the skin, leading to skin irritation and redness.
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Types of cancer pain
Somatic: Somatic pain is the most common type of pain experienced by patients with cancer. It is characterized by an aching, throbbing or cramping pain that is localized intermittent and constant.
Neuropathic: Neuropathic pain is another type of cancer pain caused by nerve damage from either the cancer itself or due to treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and/or surgery. This type of pain is identified by a burning or tingling sensation.
Visceral: Visceral pain constitutes 28% of cancer-associated pain. Viscera refers to the internal organs inside a cavity of the body such as the chest, abdomen or the pelvis. Any pain in such areas is called visceral pain. In terms of cancer, when the tumor puts pressure on one or more of these organs, it can lead to a throbbing pain.
Acute and chronic pain: An acute pain is usually caused by an identifiable activity such as an injury and is usually short term, which means it can come and go from time to time. On the other hand, chronic pain can linger on for months.
Signs of cancer pain
According to Mayo Clinic, pain associated with cancer can be "dull, achy, sharp or burning". It could also be "constant, intermittent, mild, moderate or severe."
"Pain could happen if the cancer grows into or destroys nearby tissue. As a tumor grows, it can press on nerves, bones or organs. The tumor can also release chemicals that can cause pain," the health body explains.
Factors that can help your doctor understand your pain
It is imperative that you contact your doctor if you have sharp, persistent pain, pain that is recurrent and interferes with your daily routine. In order to help your healthcare provider understand your pain and diagnose your condition, here's what you need to be prepared with.
- Severity of your pain
- The location of the pain
- What type of pain you have (Is it sharp, dull, stabbing, achy?)
- Is there something that increases the pain?
- What makes the pain worse or better?
- Pain relief measures you have taken and what has helped?
How much pain you have may depend on a wide range of factors including the type of cancer you have, the location, the stage of cancer you are in and whether the disease itself or the treatments have damaged your nerves.
Symptoms of cancer you must not ignore
Here are some cancer symptoms you should not ignore.
- Extreme fatigue
- Bleeding and unexplained bruising
- Unexplained weight loss
- Sudden growth of lumps
- Skin changes
Cancer pain can be treated. Depending on the intensity of your pain, your options may vary. Doctors may prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers, medications derived from opium or other prescription medications.
You can also undergo a nerve block procedure which could stop pain signals. Additionally, there are integrative therapies such as a massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, relaxation exercises, meditation and hypnosis.