Bibeksheel Sajha Party not on right path: Convener Thapa

Published On: January 1, 2019 05:05 AM NPT By: Republica  | @RepublicaNepal

KATMANDU, Jan 1: Ujjwal Thapa, one of the conveners of Bibeksheel Sajha Party, has concluded that the party has not been headed toward the “right path” and that it has failed to maintain its momentum following the 2017 parliamentary elections.

In an 18-page review registered at the party, Thapa has admitted some mistakes on his part as well. But he has also accused other leaders of the party of not delivering results as expected and not upholding the party's original spirit.

Stating that the party won popularity in the elections and succeeded in sending three members to the provincial assemblies, Thapa said nothing has been achieved by way of party building since the elections. He claimed that even the party's following on Facebook decreased after the elections, and four central committee members left the party within a year while one was suspended.

“Over the period of a year since the parliamentary and provincial elections, I had the opportunity to work together with various personalities and party members under varying circumstances and become familiar with their experiences,” said Thapa in his written statement, adding, “Based on these ups and downs, I have reached the conclusion that Bibeksheel Sajha Party is not heading toward the right path.”

Rabindra Mishra is another convener of the party. Leaders of the party close to Thapa said differences have emerged between the two conveners in recent years regarding the way to run the party. Mishra used to head the Sajha Party before uniting with Bibeksheel Party. The two parties were merged to form Bibeksheel Sajha Party as an alternative political force ahead of the parliamentary-provincial elections.

Without referring to Mishra by name, Thapa has demanded an admission that the party's position weakened in recent days and that the focus be on party building.

In his review paper, Thapa expressed dissatisfaction over the delay in clearing up the party's income and expenditures for submission to the Election Commission, implying that such delay was not in keeping with the party's transparent image in the past. He said a fear psychosis is growing among the party's leaders and cadres in recent days due to a tendency toward systemic faltering in the party.

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