Batuli Lamichhane from the Thansingh VDC -8 is now 112 years, three months and 27 days old. Lamichhane was born on Chaitra 10, 1959 BS as per the Nepali calendar.
The date has been verified as per the citizenship certificate with no 253031/145 which she obtained from the District Administration Office, Nuwakot on May 7, 2013.
Batuli, who still looks robust, does not suffer from any major illness, says her youngest son, 76-year old Netra Prasad Lamichhane.
"She can still see clearly, can hear a bit and saunter without anyone's support," he said.
The centenarian still heads to the field to forage for grass. When this scribe reached her place the 112 year old woman was peeling maize.
Her family has claimed that Batuli is the oldest living person in the world after the demise of 112 year old Japanese citizen Sakari Momoi.
Batuli Lamichhane, who was born in Giranichaur of Sindhupalchowk district was married off to Nuwakot. Among her four children, only her youngest son is alive.
Her two daughters and another son have already died. Her great grandson Shyam Prasad Dhungana is 25 years old. RSS
120-year old Batuli Lamichhane passes away