KATHMANDU, Aug 28: Nepal Army on Wednesday said that the estimated cost of one of the national pride projects, Kathmandu-Nijgadh Fast Track will be Rs. 175 billion.
At a press conference held at its headquarters, the Nepal Army informed the progress made in the fast track so far.
PHOTOS: Symbolic protest against Kathmandu-Tarai Fast Track Pro...

According to the recently-approved DPR, the alignment of the road has been changed in two places; Khokana area, and Mahadevtar-Lendanda. The move is aimed at preserving Sikali Temple in Khokana and Kodesh area which hold cultural and historical significance. Earlier, the people from Khokana had staged a series of a demonstration demanding preservation of the antique settlement.
The length of Fast Track has been reduced to 72.5km from its preliminary estimate of 76.2 km due to the change in its alignment. The track will extend from Khokana, Lalitpur to Nijgadh, Bara with a width of 25 meters in the hilly region and 27 in the plain regions.
Following the change in alignment, the army has also added extra tunnels along Mahadevtari-Lendanda section of the express highway.
According to the Nepal Army, 151 thousand trees will be cut down during the fast track construction.
So far, only 8% task has been completed.
The DPR of this project, prepared and submitted by a South Korean firm Soosung Engineering and Consulting Company was okayed by the cabinet meeting on August 19. Following the approval, it is expected that the construction of much-awaited expressway will get momentum.