Travelling during monsoons is fun (especially treading through the lush, green hills or paths in misty climate) but it can also be tiresome, due to inconvenience caused by constant breakdown in public transport and bad roads. Your body is susceptible to a lot of germs and diseases during the rainy season and hence, you need to take double the precaution while travelling in this season.
Read on to find out how.
1: Arm yourself with a waterproof backpack and raincoat or umbrella before setting off for your trip.
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2: Take a box of wet and dry tissues with you at all times. Better still; keep a few extra towels with you always, in case you get wet
3: Carrying a first aid box is extremely important, especially during this season. Stock it with basic medicines like cough syrup or tablets, paracetamol, tablets for indigestion, disinfectant scrubs, antiseptic cream, and bandages along with a bottle of Dettol is a must.
4: Keep your wallet, expensive camera lenses, mobile phone in zip-lock bags always
5: Mosquito borne diseases are common in monsoon. Do not forget to carry mosquito repellents, creams or better still, a net.
6: Carry your books or music if you going by public transport. Chances are you will get stuck in traffic or roadblocks for long time, books and music come in handy then.
7: Choose your clothes wisely. Take short, comfortable clothes made up of nylon or synthetic material which dries quickly.
8: Carry your own water or drink boiled water wherever you can. It is needless to mention that eat cooked, covered food at all time to avoid water borne diseases.