According to NBA General Secretary Sunil Kumar Pokharel, NBA executive committee would finalize the content of the letter and send it to the secretariat within a week.
The NBA executive committee discussed the letters from the Supreme Court to NBA Chairman Hari Krishna Karki and advocates Tika Ram Bhattarai and Raman Shrestha with its advisors on Sunday.
"Advisors have suggested to the executive committee to own of the Chitwan declaration, which had urged the Judicial Council to take action against corrupt judges and staffers of the judiciary," said NBA vice-chairman Bhattarai.
"Likewise, the advisors have suggested us to welcome and support chief justice's move if we find it really intended toward controlling corruption," he added.
However, advisors have suggested the NBA executive committee to submit the facts and evidences of corruption only to the Judicial Council and parliament but not to the personal secretariat of chief justice.
"The personal secretariat of the chief justice is not the agency to take action against judges and our advisors also have suggested us to provide such facts and evidences only to the agencies that are authorized to take action against corrupt judges," said Pokharel.
During the meeting, NBA members and advisors have raised questions over the move of the chief justice to question Chitwan declaration and corruption claims while the court documents themselves state corruption exists within the judiciary.
"A point included in the declaration of last Judges' Conference had stated that there are irregularities within the judiciary. Likewise, the chief justice himself had made a statement at the parliamentary hearing committee that he would reduce the corruption within the judiciary. In this light, some of our advisors expressed doubt over the intention of chief justice to ask evidences over similar claims of NBA conference," said Pokharel.
The apex court had asked NBA to clarify a declaration issued by the recent NBA national conference regarding the issue of corruption within the judiciary.
The personal secretariat of Chief Justice Ram Kumar Prasad Shah had sent letters to Chairman Karki and the two advocates to clarify a declaration issued by the recent NBA national conference regarding the issue of corruption within the judiciary. The apex court had asked NBA to provide facts, figures, information or evidences that clarify the declaration and claims made by NBA officials to the chief justice via his personal secretariat for further investigation.
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