According to Information Officer at Biratnagar Customs Office Rajendra Dhungana, the vehicles carrying gas and raw materials entered Nepal on Monday evening. Likewise, Customs Agents Association Biratnagar Chairperson Bijendra Parasar said, "In normal time average 100 trucks and tankers containing gasoline and other goods used to enter Nepal through Biratnagar checkpoint".
The goods-laden trucks and tankers entered Nepal only after reaching five-point agreement with Indian Customs Officials to ensure smooth transportation of goods stranded at Jogbani point, said Association Chairperson Parasar.
Meanwhile, the local daily newspapers of which publication was halted due to shortage of paper following unofficial blockade imposed by India has started their operation.
According to President of Federation of Nepali Journalists Morang Chapter Mahendra Bista, the local newspapers including Sthaniya Udghosh and New Shristi Daily have resumed their publications after the withdrawal of Indian unannounced trade embargo.
"Slowly and gradually all local newspapers will start publishing their papers", he added. RSS
Locals block tipper trucks for damaging roads