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CPN-Maoist cadres seize laptop used for collecting voters' name

By No Author
PALPA, March 24: Cadres of the CPN-Maoist on Sunday seized a laptop belonging to Election Office used for collecting voters´ list with photographs.

The cadres have been absconding after seizing a laptop used by the District Election Office, Palpa, for collecting voters´ list.[break]

Some 10 cadres confiscated the laptop from the Registration Centre at Fek VDC in the district, said Shivaraj Aryal, official at the District Election Office.

A team with two police personnel under the leadership of Sundar Pandey of the Office was deployed in the centre.

Voters´ list with photographs collecting work was also disrupted at Argali in the district, it is learnt. Employees and police personnel have been assigned at eight VDCs in the district for the same.

The CPN-Maoist on Saturday had urged to stop collecting voters´ list with photographs.Security has been tightened after the incident.

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