CHITWAN, June 15: A total of 26 persons were contracted with dengue in the last 11 months in the district. District Health Office tested positive for dengue among 26 while conducting blood test of 1,370 persons.
Among the infected, 11 are from Chitwan district alone. As the Office said 59 persons were tested positive while conducting blood tests of 1,291 last year. Those suffering the disease are from urban areas, said vector controller Ram KC at the Office, suggesting the people to compulsorily use mosquito net, maintain cleanliness in and around house and avoid puddle.
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The mosquitoes can be warded off even by dropping two spoons of kerosene in the puddle. Meanwhile, the Office has decided to launch a campaign to find and destroy the mosquito larva for three days in Bharatpur metropolitan city from tomorrow.
The Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti species of mosquito is behind the cause dengue.