Saroj Wagle

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Published On: May 5, 2019 12:00 PM NPT By: Saroj Wagle




To highlight a quote by Herta Muller, “What can’t be said can be written. Because writing is a silent act, a labor from the head to the hand.” To be very frank, I don’t know why this quote is hit my mind in a positive way. As a matter of fact, we have surrounded by so many big issues on a daily basis, no matter what they may be. From my own experience, if he or she wants to write in such issues, then he/she would realize that the root cause of those issues too as well.

On one hand, research-oriented contents along with a creative piece of ideas in writing will attract the readers. On the other hand, in writing, an ambiguous/vague idea without coherence can’t attract the readers. So, before we are planning to write on something, we should always focus on such areas so that we’re able to reach as many as readers via writing.

Of course, writing is not an easy task at a time when the writer is trying to write on a new issue. There might be different opinions about silence from person to person. However, it is the presence of meaning. To quote Swami Vivekananda, “Out of purity and silence comes the word of power.”

By carefully understanding this ‘word of power’, if we look at the highly successful people’s lives, then they read rigorously in their lives. For instance, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, David Rubenstein, and the list goes on. Although today we are living in the age of the fancy world, having said that, my point is that now getting the silence is really a big challenge for us. That’s the reason why silence is required more and more necessary today.

First and foremost, before sticking with silence in life, we need to think ourselves. Seriously, is this business of finding silence just another way of saying that we should turn a deaf ear to what others are saying for us? Just think about: the true meaning of silence lies not in exclusion, but in inclusion — and not in cutting oneself off from people or from what is around us, but in finding the deeper level of conversations. 

In a simple legal term, silence means consent. But, at the same time, we saw someone about to commit a criminal act and a law court could take our silence to mean that we gave our consent to the act. After all, we should be pro-consent for genuine reasons rather than supporting culprits.

However, a positive interpretation of silence would be that it confirms a unity of consciousness as distinct from a controversy. Well, quite interestingly, one seeker asked a spiritual master, “How can I transcend into All?”The master made no reply. Every day, the seeker would ask the same question and every day the master would maintain his silence.

The seeker finally asked the master, “What’s the problem? Why don’t you reply to my question that I have been asking every day?” The master said, “I have been replying to your question every day. But you talk much that you don’t hear my reply.”



Silence, Know_Yourself,

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