Published On: September 2, 2016 12:07 PM NPT By: Arjun Oli

RPP-N cadres clash with police following removal of late king Birendra’s bust

RPP-N cadres clash with police following removal of late king Birendra’s bust

NEPALGUN, Set 2: The pro-monarch cadres clashed with police after the latter removed the bust of late King Birendra Shah from Dhamboji Chowk.

Police removed the statue following pressures from the local political leaders except Rastriya Prajatantra Party- Nepal (RPPN) on Thursday night.

Sivsena Nepal, pro-monarch youths and the party cadres of the RPP-N had reinstated the bust of late king Birendra on Thursday morning 10 years after it was removed during the People’s Movement II in 2006.

According to police, they had allowed the RPP-N youth cadres after they sought permission for putting up only a national flag at Dhamboji Chowk.

Chief District Officer (CDO) of Banke, Rabilal Panthi said the monument was removed because the government has not decided to restore it and the local leaders also objected to the idea of restoring the statue. “The political parties of the district objected to the idea of restoring the monument and the government has also not decided to restore it,"  said Panthi. 

A huge number of people including Sivsena Nepal, pro-monarch cadres and locals had gathered at the site.













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