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Published On: December 17, 2016 12:45 AM NPT By: Republica

Pinocchio’s promise

PM’s property details 
CPN-UML lawmaker Rabindra Adhikari in his tweet captured the skeptical popular mood when he questioned why the prime minister had failed to disclose his salary account. The bank account into which his monthly salary (which comes to a minimum of Rs 77,000 a month) is deposited was omitted from his recently publicized property details. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal apparently has one kattha (around 4,000 square feet) of land in his wife’s name and three tolas (around 35 grams) of gold. That’s it. In failing to disclose even his salary account, the prime minister is undoubtedly being dishonest. In addition to many bank accounts in Nepal, the Maoist chief is rumored to have big deposits abroad as well as stakes in some of the biggest companies in Nepal. These wild rumors will be further fanned by his recent dishonesty. Perhaps Dahal felt that if he was honest he would find it impossible to justify his enormous wealth. So why not state that he has bare minimum and thus gain public approval for his austere ways? He could also have been inspired by Sushil Koirala, Dahal’s predecessor as prime minister, who in his property details had stated that all he had were three old mobile phone sets. Unlike the high-flying Dahal, people actually believed the saintly Koirala. 

Whatever the case, such blatant dishonesty from the occupant of the highest executive office only adds to popular belief that Nepali political leaders are self-serving and the only reason they are in politics is to enrich themselves. The property details of Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara also defy belief, as he seemingly owns not much more than Dahal. In comparison, another deputy prime minister, Bimalendra Nidhi, is a multi-billionaire, as is his party and cabinet colleague, Arjun Narsingh KC. But with the prime minister lying through his teeth, people wonder if other ministers also have much more to hide than they have to reveal. This is why Transparency International, the global anti-corruption watchdog, year after year ranks Nepali political parties as among the most corrupt entities in the country. Interestingly, both Dahal and Mahara are currently under CIAA investigation over possible embezzlement of government funds sent for the upkeep of cantoned Maoist combatants. The Maoist leadership has thus far been unable to account for around Rs 6 billion of taxpayer money.

We don’t expect our ministers to be saints. Just like Nepalis in other professions, government officials also have the right to own property. They might have worked hard for it. Or they might have inherited huge patrimonies. But those who make public service their vocation are answerable to the public on whose behalf they rule. They are also expected to adhere to certain moral and ethical standards. But our lawmakers and politicians try their level best to cover up their business and personal interests—unless they are forced by public pressure to come clean on their rather lavish lifestyles. So even though members of the cabinet are supposed to disclose their property details within 15 days of assuming office, the current lot took four and a half months. The prime minister, the leader of the pack, in particular has disgraced himself. Along with the infamous ‘cantonment corruption’ this is something that should immediately occupy the new CIAA leadership.   


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