Sugam Gautam

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Published On: July 21, 2020 02:54 PM NPT By: Sugam Gautam

Do you still remember?

Do you still remember?

Do you still remember,
Those words once spoken?
The ones that changed everything?
The ones I love?

Do you still remember,
The things we used to do?
The things that changed us?
The things I love?

Do you still remember,
When you said, "I love you?"
When I said it back?
When you said, "Forever and always?"

Do you still remember,
How it used to be?
We didn't hide,
And you were still there.

Do you still remember,
That time you didn't say it back?
Or when you said it's over?
Or when you saw me cry?

Do you still remember,
When you said, "I still love you,
I always have,
And always will."

Do you still remember,
When I said I do too?
I'll love you,
Forever and always.

slammed, remembering, love,

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