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Three individuals recommended for  HIB Executive Director post

The Health Insurance Board (HIB)’s Executive Director Recommendation Committee has forwarded the name of  three individuals.
By Republica

KATHMANDU, March 6: The Health Insurance Board (HIB)’s Executive Director Recommendation Committee has forwarded the name of  three individuals.

The Ministry of Health and Population sent a proposal to the Council of Ministers last Wednesday to decide on the appointment of the Executive Director.

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A high-ranking source in the ministry said that the committee recommended the names of three people after the presentation and interview with the 10 people whose applications were approved on March 2 and 3.

The committee has recommended the names of Kamal Panthi, Dr Krishna Prasad Adhikari and Dr Raghuraj Kafle for the post of Executive Director.

The upcoming meeting of the Council of Ministers will probably decide on this proposal of the Health Ministry.

Dr Saroj Sharma, head of the Ministry's Quality Measurement and Control Division, is assuming the responsibility of the Acting Executive Director of the HIB.


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