There are various evil customs in our society. Well! When we think of deep rooted social evil rituals, dowry system is one of the worst of them. In fact, the exchange of gift ceremony to induce harmony in relation has been severly modified to impose forced extraction from the bride’s family. Dowry actually is cash, money, furniture, vehicles, or other expensive materials that are brought by a bride to her husband’s house on their marriage.
If we dig out for the cause of this problem, greediness comes as primary reason that is to expect owing material benefit from the bride’s family. In many cases, this practice doesn’t stop here, even after the marriage, the in-laws go on demanding and if the other fails then the bride has to suffer harassment in her husband’s house. Other reasons are illiteracy, unawareness, religions and cultures. In most of the societies women are inhumanly treated, badly discriminated or underestimated.

Due to this evil practice of dowry system the sacred affair of marriage has been destroyed, it is converted into a business deal.
The ugliest face od our society is that the richer the family of a groom is the higher demand. Due to this dowry system, most of the rituals/morals like love, co-operation, sympathy, justice, equality etc are buried like rotten corpse. The evil practice of dowry reduces the status and position of women and again if the parent fails to pay the dowry at the time of marriage or after the marriage, the bride have to suffer inhuman tortures, as a result, many new brides commit suicide, some are put to death and some are compelled for separation and divorce.
To root out this social evil, mere laws or social enactment cannot be sufficient. Total change in the society is necessary. To eradicate this, the first step can be social awareness, women empowerment and education. They should be made self sufficient so they can grow conscious of their dignity, status and prestige. The last solution is to strictly follow the rules of humanity.
So, act kindly towards women. Treat women kindly. No doubt, the ball has started rolling a new atmosphere is being created, let us all work together and put an end to dowry system.