Asian Association of Law Professors (AALP) is a not-for-profit consortium of legal institutions and individuals from worldwide connected to Asia. AALP concluded its second International Conference through a virtual medium on July 9 and 10, 2021.
According to a press statement released by AALP, in 2019/2020 the conference has been daunted by unprecedented loss caused by COVID-19, and thus considering the current situation stifled by Covid-19, the theme for 2021 conference was ‘Role in Changing Legal and Social Order Post Covid-19’.
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This year, AALP saw 28 delegates from six countries who presented 21 papers representing 18 different institutions all over Asia. The conference was attended by 330 people, including legal scholars, practitioners, students, and professors.
The conference kicked off with a welcome ceremony where Professors from institutions of Pakistan, China, Vietnam, Nepal and Bangladesh gave their welcome speeches. The welcome ceremony was followed by a book launch of articles presented during the AALP’s First Inaugural Conference in 2019.
The book is titled ‘Exploring Asia Concepts and Context’; and edited by Ravi Prakash Vyas and Sachin Siwakoti. The foreword for the book is written by Prof Yubaraj Sangroula and Prof Mizanur Rahman.
The later part of the days saw brilliant paper presentations of legal scholars. The five paper presentation sessions ranged from sub-themes like Future of Asian Cities in the Post Covid Era, International Law and Post Covid-19, Public Health, Equity and Justice, Public Health and Public Response, Building Economic Resilience of Asian Countries post-Covid-19.
The papers presented varied from examples of pandemic response from countries like Japan, Philippines, India, Nepal, impacts of Covid-19 upon vulnerable communities like migrant workers and refugees and emerging issues of green order post the pandemic, direct tax measures during Covid-19, corporate social responsibilities, among many.
The press statement added that the AALP is designed to develop greater partnership and deeper relations between the law schools. This association is working towards significant development of legal scholarship and greater interaction of legal scholars with growing working partnerships.
With this under the premise, AALP held its Second Annual General Meeting on July 10, 2021, where members came together to discuss possible conferences and events in the days ahead and welcome new members of AALP, which stands at 105 members now.
Asst Pro. Prapoosa KC of Kathmandu School of Law, Bhaktapur, the organization’s secretariat, coordinated the event.