SURKHET, April 24: A Raute woman battling with uterus problem and pneumonia since a year succumbed to her diseases in lack on Saturday of proper medical treatment.
Dugri Shahi, 25, daughter of a local Raute chief Main Bahadur Shahi, was bedridden last year but the family members of the tribal community were hesitant to take her to hospital.
Even in the 21st century, Raute community still has a strong faith in Shamanism and they still rely on herbs instead of medicines. They still hesitate to go to hospitals for treatment.
Raute girl child dies due to lack of treatment

Dhan Bahadur Budha, a health worker, informed that they tried their best to take Dugri to hospital but failed to do so. According to him, Dipesh Pun, son of Vice President Nanda Bahdur Pun and Raute Uthan Pratisthan had tried to convince the Raute community to take Dugri to hospital but the community didn’t agree to it.
A team of doctors had visited the community thrice for her treatment. “She was suffering from serious infection of her uterus as well as pneumonia,” said Dr Paras Chipasu, who had reached the Raute locality last month. “We had tried our best to bring her to the hospital but could not succeed in convincing them,” Dr Chipasu added.
Just a week ago, fiver-year-old daughter of Chandra Man Shahi had died due to lack of treatment. After a lot of persuasion, Kapil Shahi, a Raute youth who was suffering from burn injuries since a year was hospitalized at Kathmandu-based Trauma Center on Thursday.
A lot of Rautes are losing their life due to lack of medication, decreasing the already low population of the Rautes. A survey of 2014 showed that there were around 162 Rautes in Nepal but now the population has decreased to 146.