JUMLA, July 26: The alarming rise in the number of child marriages in the district has compelled the representatives of Patarasi Rural Municipality to join hands with various stakeholders to curb this ill practice.
Child marriages are increasing rampantly in Patarasi in comparison to other local units of the district. Representatives have started actively organizing awareness campaigns in their local units against child marriage.
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"Marrying at an early age is an old practice here," said Kali Bahadur Budha, chief of Patarasi-4, adding, "We are trying to break this trend."
According to him, there is a tradition of asking for daughter-in-laws even before they are born. Locals practicing child marriage have been warned of being deprived of the facilities and services provided by the ward and rural municipality. Parents will be arrested and punished as per the law.
"It's illegal to marry off the children before the eligible age. So, if anyone is found breaching the law, they will be fined and punished," said ward chief Budha.
It's the girls who are victimized by child marriages, as they have to deal with various kinds of physical and mental health problems. Parents tend to marry off their children at an early age so that they have to pay less dowry and also won't have to lose their prestige if their children later decide to opt for love marriage. But the people's representatives through door-to-door campaigns have urged such people to wait until their children reach the age of 20.
Laxman Bohara, chairperson of Patarasi Rural Municipality informed that efforts are being taken to make the local unit free from child marriage. Meanwhile, Child Conservation Committee of Patarasi has been successful in stopping eight child marriages in the last two years with the coordination of police. The couples were given counseling and told to promise that they won't get married before reaching the eligible age. The committee has been conducting various kinds of programs to end this practice.