Export earnings this year surpass that of last year
KATHMANDU, Oct 20: Nepal exported electricity worth Rs 11.80 billion to India during the peak production season this year.
According to Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA), it generated the revenue amount from selling electricity during more than four months’ period between June 11 and October 17.
Nepal exported electricity worth nearly Rs 2 billion to India i...

During the first 36 days of June and July, the NEA sold electricity worth Rs 2.15 billion to India at the rate of Rs 9.67 per unit. Similarly, in the latter three months (mid-July to mid-October), the export earnings out of the electricity export was Rs 9.64 billion. In these three months, the average rate of electricity stood at Rs 10.27 per unit.
According to the NEA, Nepal exported electricity worth Rs 2.14 billion in the first month of the current fiscal year. Likewise, the export earnings were Rs 3.47 billion and Rs 4.02 billion in the two consecutive months, respectively. The rates of electricity in these three months were Rs 8.43 per unit, Rs 11.97 per unit and Rs 10.20 per unit, respectively.
Kulman Ghising, managing director of the NEA, said they have projected to earn Rs 16 billion out of the electricity business in the season this year. “We have been seeking to receive permission to export an additional 100 MW of electricity and are in constant follow-up for the same,” he said.
Since the first week of September, India has permitted Nepal to sell a total of 632 MW of electricity in the Indian market, increasing electricity export by 180 MW from 452 MW.
According to the NEA, the projects that have received approval for electricity export are Chilime (subsidiary of the NEA), Solu Khola, Kabeli B-1, Likhu-4, Lower Modi, Solu-Dudhkosi, Dordi Khola, Upper Kalanga Gad and Upper Chamelia.
In the fiscal year 2021/22, the NEA exported 493 million units of electricity and earned an income equal to Rs 3.88 billion. Last year, the export increased to 1.34 billion units of electricity, while the earning was Rs 10.45 billion.